She eagerly asked, “Can you help me doctor?” I said, “Fortunately I can help you.” She asked, “Why did you laugh?” I replied, “Because the skill required to detect your problem was so difficult to obtain that now I can use it to help you.” She said, “Doctor, I hope you can prove it to me.” I said, “ Yes, but this treatment is never a guarantee.” She replied, “I understand. Nobody can give such a guarantee.”
I told her that her chest (the heart and lungs) can be compared to the upper part of a river, below the chest (the liver and stomach) can be compared to the middle part of a river, and the abdomen (the kidneys and intestines) can be compared to the lower part of the river. Without explanation, she already seemed to know what I was going to say. I continued, “You have energy stagnation in your liver; when the middle part of river is unable to flow, the upper part of the river will be affected. She said, “ Oh, that’s why I suffer!” I replied, “Yes.” I inserted the needle to guide the adverse liver qi downward. (This qi means energy, and it also means air; you can also call it a gas.) She felt better.
Then I also told her, “Your liver also interferes with your stomach activity;.” After each treatment, she told me that she felt better. She felt something changing inside her body, and although she did not know how to express her feeling, she knew she was improving.
She continued to come for treatments, and one day as she came in she told me she was really better. With more care, she improved even more, but before I discharged her she moved to another city. I hope one day, I can transmit this skill to many doctors or explain to someone who is really interested.
Treatment Principles:
Excessive in this case means that the energy is “stuck.”
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