Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No One Can Do Everything

A successful lawyer told his employee, a young lawyer, to come and see me.  He said, “Dr. Ng, my medical doctor told me that my knee area bleeds internally when I do heavy exercise.”  I said, “I can use treatments to reinforce your knee, but there is no guarantee for success.”  He was kind of upset because his boss had recommended me so highly.  I said, “Don’t be disappointed.  No one can do everything, and it is not very necessary to do such heavy exercise.  It is just your own thought and desire that makes you over-exercise.”
Once in awhile, this young lawyer came for treatment for his knee and for other problems like stress.  He was still thinking about heavy exercise, though.  I told him I understand, and said, “It’s all in your mind; it’s a habit.  Just as you may think someone who drinks a lot of alcohol may be wasting their money, they could think you are a sports-oholic and are just wasting your energy.  He accepted my opinion and stopped feeling awful.

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